How teams build production-ready LLM apps

The platform to prototype, evaluate, improve, and observe your LLM app or feature.

Developers use Inductor to ship high-quality LLM-powered functionality
rapidly and reliably.

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Custom Playgrounds
Immediately start experimenting and collaborating as you build
  • Auto-generate a custom playground for your LLM app
  • Run securely in your environment, with your code and data sources
  • Share instantly
  • Iteratively develop test suites for systematic evaluation and improvement
Try for free
Test suites
Systematically test your LLM application to debug and ensure quality
  • Rapidly customize quality evaluation for your use case
  • Auto-generate shareable UIs for human evaluation, and automate with rigorous LLM-powered evaluation
  • Construct, evolve, and share test cases
  • Automatic orchestration of test suite execution
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Experiment orchestration
Systematically improve your LLM app to go from prototype to production
  • Automate your experimentation with Inductor Hyperparameters – rapidly find the LLM app design that delivers the results that you need, across choice of model, prompt, retrieval augmentation, or anything else
  • Automatic versioning and tracking of all results
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Production observability
Monitor your live traffic and close the loop with your development workflow – to understand usage, resolve issues, and further improve
  • Rich filtering to rapidly identify issues and areas for improvement
  • Apply quality measures to your live traffic for continuous evaluation
  • Run and analyze A/B tests
  • Automatically log your live traffic, including LLM app inputs, outputs, and internals
Try for free
Going from an idea or demo to an LLM app that is actually production-ready (i.e., high quality, trustworthy, cost-effective) is difficult and time-consuming.  To do that, you need to be able to answer questions like the following, backed by data – can you?
  • How good is our LLM app?
  • How can we improve our LLM app?
  • How do we collect feedback and collaborate?
  • Are we ready to ship our LLM app?
  • How is our LLM app behaving on live traffic?

Deliver AI apps as reliably and efficiently as web apps

Get to market faster
Ensure trust and reliability
Develop and ship systematically
Reduce LLM costs
Eliminate undifferentiated heavy lifting

Show me the code!

Auto-generate a custom playground
Run a custom, shareable playground in your environment and securely use your private data
# In (your existing LLM app code)

import inductor
from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI()

def document_qa(question: str):
    """Answer a question about our documents."""
    document_snippets = retrieve_from_vector_db(
        question, num_snippets=10)

    system_message = (
        "You are a helpful document QA assistant. "
        "Using only the following document snippets, answer any "
        "question asked.\n\n"
        "Document snippets:\n\n" +

    response =
            {"role": "system", "content": system_message},
            {"role": "user", "content": question}],

    return response.choices[0].message.content
# In your terminal

$ inductor playground app:document_qa
Create and run test suites
Systematically test and evaluate your LLM app to debug and ensure quality
# In

import app
import inductor

test_suite = inductor.TestSuite(
    id_or_name="document_qa", llm_program=app.document_qa)

    # Add test cases
        inputs={"question": "What is the name of the company?"}),
        inputs={"question": ("Explain how to use the company's "
                             "product in detail.")}),

    # Add quality measure
        name="Answer is correct and relevant",
        spec="Is the answer correct AND relevant to the question asked?"))
    # You can set evaluator="LLM" or evaluator="FUNCTION" to use
    # LLM-powered or programmatic evaluations, respectively.

if __name__ == "__main__":
# In test_suite.yaml

# Test suite configuration
- config:
    name: document_qa
    llm_program_fully_qualified_name: app:document_qa

# Test cases
- test_case:
        question: What is the name of the company?
- test_case:
        question: Explain how to use the company's product in detail.

# Quality measure
- quality:
    name: Answer is correct and relevant
    evaluator: HUMAN
    evaluation_type: BINARY
    spec: Is the answer correct AND relevant to the question asked?
# In your terminal (to run test suite)

$ python
# In your terminal (to run test suite)

$ inductor test test_suite.yaml
Automate experimentation
Use hyperparameters to test anything: prompts, models, RAG strategies, and more
# In (your existing LLM app code)

def document_qa(question: str):
    """Answer a question about our documents."""
    document_snippets = retrieve_from_vector_db(
        num_snippets=inductor.hparam("num_snippets", default_value=10))

    prompt_header = inductor.hparam(
            "You are a helpful document QA assistant. "
            "Using only the following document snippets, answer any "
            "question asked."))

    system_message = (
        "Document snippets:\n\n" +

    response =
            {"role": "system", "content": system_message},
            {"role": "user", "content": question}],

    return response.choices[0].message.content
# In

# Add hyperparameters

        values=[5, 10, 15]),

            ("You are a helpful document QA assistant. "
             "Using only the following document snippets, answer any "
             "question asked."),
            ("You are a document QA assistant. Use the following "
             "document snippets to respond to questions concisely, "
             "rejecting any unrelated or unanswerable questions.")]))
# In test_suite.yaml

# Hyperparameters
- hparam:
    name: num_snippets
    type: NUMBER
    values: [5, 10, 15]
- hparam:
    name: prompt_header
    type: TEXT
        - |
            You are a helpful document QA assistant.
            Using only the following document snippets, answer any
            question asked.
        - |
            You are a document QA assistant. Use the following
            document snippets to respond to questions concisely,
            rejecting any unrelated or unanswerable questions.
# In your terminal

$ python
# In your terminal

$ inductor test test_suite.yaml
Monitor your live traffic
Understand usage, resolve issues, and further improve with automated production logging
# In (your existing LLM app code)

# You can also pass quality measures and hyperparameter specs to the
# inductor.logger decorator to do continuous live evaluations and A/B testing.
def document_qa(question: str):
    """Answer a question about our documents."""
    document_snippets = retrieve_from_vector_db(
        question, num_snippets=10)
    inductor.log(document_snippets, name="Document snippets")

    system_message = (
        "You are a helpful document QA assistant. "
        "Using only the following document snippets, answer any "
        "question asked.\n\n"
        "Document snippets:\n\n" +

    response =
            {"role": "system", "content": system_message},
            {"role": "user", "content": question}],
    inductor.log(response.usage.model_dump(), name="Model token usage")

    return response.choices[0].message.content
Show me the product! Watch a product demo with Inductor's founder to learn more.
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Get started in 5 minutes

Get started with zero code modifications. Enterprise-ready by default.
Integrates instantly
Integrates instantly
Run Inductor on your LLM app with zero code modifications. Optionally add 1-3 lines of code to get next-level capabilities.
Works seamlessly with your existing stack
Works seamlessly with your existing stack
Inductor works with any model, and any way of writing LLM apps –  from LLM APIs to open source models to custom models. 
Stay in your environment
Stay in your environment
Your code doesn’t leave your environment, in both development and production. Use Inductor seamlessly in any code editor or notebook.
Runs in our cloud account or yours
Runs in our cloud account or yours
Inductor is architected from the ground up to run either hosted by us, or self-hosted in your cloud account.